Invitation from a Lipizzan

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It was not my idea to meet a Lipizzan horse, it was his idea.

I had finished my dressage lesson; I was in a stall grooming the horse I had ridden, and rewarding her for a job well done. I heard a horse nickering. At first I ignored, it, but it continued.

I stuck my head out of the stall and looked down the aisle. At the far end of the isle, a beautiful white horse was standing at attention, his ears forward, his head sticking out in the isle over the chain across his stall. It was Cyrano, a retired Lipizzan. He was clearly saying “Excuse me, I am the most worthy horse in the barn, and you should be paying attention to me!”.

I walked over and petted him and gave him a piece of carrot and chuckled. That was the start of our relationship.

Soon Cyrano was the first horse I greeted when I arrived at the barn. And he was the last horse I said goodbye to when I left. I brought him carrots and apples. It wasn’t too long before he had me grooming him, hosing him off when it was warm. He had me wrapped.

He is the kind of horse that owns you, not the other way around. I never met a horse who was so engaging. I admired his powerful build, and his big deep dark eyes. Pretty soon I was saying “I want a horse like Cyrano.”

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